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Real Estate Web Site Creator; Where you create your Real Estate website instantly and automatically. (214)457-7055, admin@RealEstateWebSitesCreators.com

What is "Real Estate Web Site Creator"?
"Real Estate Web Site Creator" is a powerful and yet very user-friendly web-based tool that allows anyone to develop and maintain a visually appealing content-driven Real Estate web site Automatically and Instantly.

What is Required?
You don't need any special software or tool to purchase or to install. You only need a computer with access to Internet. Off course, you need to be able to read and type in (e.g., fill in blanks).

Who Can Update?
Anyone. With "Real Estate Web Site Creator" you don't need to have any programming knowledge, web design experience, or multimedia skills.

How to make Updates?
Updating contents and uploading pictures & documents are done by just filling forms, selecting desired options and clicking buttons.

When and From Where Can I update the Site?
Updates are posted in real time and can be performed by any authorized user at any day/time and from any place utilizing any computer, as long as they have access to Internet. You are not restricted to use your office computer or office tools nor be at your office or at your home to make changes.

What are the Benefits?

  • Up-To-Minute (real time) web pages for all groups and teams at all times.
    "Real Estate Web Site Creator" allows you to have a web site with the latest information, up-to-minute, at all times.

    In today's dynamic and changing world of Real Estate business, it is very important that your web site reflects the latest information and facts. For example; if price of a listing property changes, a new property listed, or a property is taken out of market; your site could be updated, in a matter of minute, to reflect these changes.

    If your site admin is not available or takes a break, your site wouldn't be out-dated. Other authorized members (e.g., agents, managers, admin, ...) can update the site instantly. Updates can be performed by any authorized user at any day/time and from any place, as long as they have access to Internet.
  • Reduce workload on webmaster, faster turn around time for updates
    By tradition, companies have a dedicated webmaster, responsible for developing and maintaining their web sites. Any changes or updates are communicated to the webmaster, who in return will update and upload new pages to the hosting server when she/he gets time. Depending on the amount of update data and schedule of the webmaster the site updates could take days or weeks, some times even months and years.

    "Real Estate Web Site Creator" reduces such a workload burden on one person, eliminates duplicate works and allows the authorized employees to help and directly input information to the site and see their updates immediately.
  • Common Look & Feel
    All Teams and Groups will have common Look & Feel web pages, showing part of a professional organization.
    -- All authorized staffs for all Groups will have common Look & Feel email addresses in the form of  (<staff_id>@<yourclub_domain_name>) showing part of a professional organization. 
  • Cost Effective
    Costing only pennies per agent or staff, the "Real Estate Web Site Creator" service is very cost effective. Our user-friendly interface ensures that you do not need a dedicated webmaster and any authorized user can update/maintain their web pages easily. Remember, having an up-to-minute updated web site is crucial and priceless for your business.

Sample Web Site Presentation
Click here to see a working sample web site that has been created by visitors to the
"Real Estate Web Site Creator"

You can update, modify this site.

Contact US
Request For Admin ID (form)


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